The latest British EYFS Teacher Vocational Training course of the BIEA E-League was held in Guangzhou between the 26th and the 28th of July. British EYFS expert Angela Fedi led early years teachers from across the country in a study of EYFS basic knowledge and understanding.
The teachers were enthusiastic concerning the EYFS teaching and paid close attention to the lecture. Ms Fedi illustrated means by which teachers can more effectively interact with children using EYFS procedure and led discussions regarding this and other classroom issues.
Teachers who are conducting group discussions in class
Angela Fedi, who has had nearly twenty years of experience in nursery education, gave an example of positive interaction with a class. “In nurseries in the UK, and when children are playing their own games, children may compete for a toy or space. The teacher will usually stand by and watch the children deal with the matter amicably. Once a child’s argument is becoming out of control the teacher will intervene but if the children are discussing the matter in a positive manner the teacher will withdraw and watch the children resolve the matter themselves.”
Angela went on to further illustrate EYFS teaching practice using the ideas expressed in the publication “Development is Important” regarding the seven major areas which increased enthusiasm within the classroom and enabling an understanding and creating a favourable environment for EYFS education to flourish. The teachers formed seven groups, each one representing an EYFS learning field, and discussed their various relevance to creating good conditions for EYFS practice to operate as mentioned in “Development is Important”.
BIEA E-League signing ceremony with nursery members
In addition, during the break time, the organiser BIEA E-League also held an on-site signing ceremony with Hanlin C.World Kindergarten, Waddington International Kindergarten, Deer Idol and Inbay Starson Nature Education Garden.
Lecturer Angela Fedi
Ms Fedi believes that Chinese teachers have a great enthusiasm and ability to understand and practice advanced UK early years education methods. She was impressed by the quality of the class.
The marketing department of the BIEA E-League carried out a training evaluating afterwards and found a unanimous satisfaction amongst those who had attended. The BIEA E-League UK EYFS teacher vocational training in Guangzhou was successfully concluded. The next EYFS training will start in Beijing in August.